I often work in apps with multiple open windows, and I need to regularly do some "window cleaning", namely to close all no longer needed windows. With apps such as DevonThink, this is a real problem.
Mac OS has a nice mission control feature, namely to display all open windows as previews (rather than icons) in the application the user is currently working in, irrespective of the application (below). The drawback is that I can see all the windows but I don't have the ability to close one or many windows.
I tried the KM action "bring application windows to the front" I created a macro in my global group, containing a single action "bring application windows to the front" but when I work in Mail, DevonThink or any other app and trigger the action, nothing happens.
I am looking for guidance as to
- How to display all open windows in the application the user is currently working in, or let's call it the frontmost application
- Have the ability to select → close any one or many of those windows
Thanks in advance for your time and help