Brand new Keyboard Maestro (or any form of automation at all really) user so please forgive me if this is more straightforward than I am making it out to be in my head.
I am doing all sorts of fun mapping on Ableton Live that has really made my work both quicker and more enjoyable. However there has always been one thing that has bugged me and if KM can fix this for me I will be ecstatic.
Because I do everything on a Laptop, I tend to switch the audio input and output a lot. If you are a Live user, you know that every time you unplug your interface/plug in new headphones/etc you have to manually go and select the interface as well as all inputs and outputs. IS there a way to create a shortcut that will: Open settings, go to audio, navigate to Audio Input Device and then Audio Output Device and select a specific one?
Im mainly just looking to be able to automatically reconnect to my interface at home since that takes the most setup. Everything else I'm happy to just click and select since its a single output with no input. I tried a number of variations with the limited macros that I've learned but I never got past opening "Live > Settings".
Thanks very much.
That definitely does look like the way I’ve been wanting to do it but as you said it is prone to breaking! I’m definitely not opposed to AppleScript and would be quite happy to begin learning it too in the process. If you have tips on how to do it via AppleScript I’m all ears!
Ableton isn't (AFAIK) directly AppleScriptable so you are reduced to doing everything via "System Events" -- essentially using AppleScript, instead of KM, to manipulate the user interface. So many of the caveats above still apply.
They can run the same LLM queries as a human... and quicker. I'm not sure how useful the rambling reply actually was but it sneaked in a link to a site which was its intent, even though the link was harder to spot than the non sequitur of the opening line. They will continue to get better at this game, of course.
Dang, that's crazy and good to know. Thanks for catching stuff like that; what a pain! Level two or three (or whatever we are on now) has begun! I've always wondered, but I've been grateful, why spam was so obvious to spot (I'm sure I just jinxed myself).
Well, I did; I just clicked on the first phishing link I have ever clicked on in years from what looked like a legit email. I didn't type in anything, but I realized it the second I clicked on it. Okay, I hope that's out of the way now and never happens again.