Accessibility: Providing keyboard support for macrogroups included in menubar

That's weird!

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To be fair, I have found that app switcher somewhat janky for a long time - it often delays opening and results in both the default macOS switcher AND KM's one showing at same time. It's not without its issues.


I have had the same experience with it, so I stopped using it quite some time ago. At least once a year I re-enable it to see if it’s any better, but so far I have always ended up sticking with the macOS app switcher.

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Here's the proof that it was app switcher that was causing the issue:

Note the difference in responsiveness, and what down arrow keys were being captured by my screen recorder. Disabling the appswitcher completely resolved the menu behaviour.

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So, I guess this is a bug after all, but not with the menu bar. @peternlewis for info

This is a known issue. It's been around for years.

I have no idea why it happens, and it is entirely outside Keyboard Maestro’s control (the system handles the menus and the UI for them).

I wonder if it is resolved in Sonoma as that has an entirely new menu system.

Well that is interesting. That's the first clue as to why its misbehaving I've had in years.

That I've never experienced and I've used the switcher for decades.

It's definitely something.


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