Activate Application if Minimized in Dock

I'd like to be able to activate an application even when it's been minimised in the dock. ie I don't want to clutter my desktop with my Mail app window, so like to keep it minimised. Using the application switcher doesn't maximise it, so was hoping I could with KM somehow.

Hey There,

Why don’t you just HIDE apps you’re not using?

H Hide Current App

H Hide Other Apps

Use the search field in the Help menu, and search for “hide” to discover where these commands are in the menu system.


I have added an option to Reopen Windows to the Application Switcher (click and hold on an icon to bring up the menu and adjust the setting).

The Reopen Windows option will be in the next version of Keyboard Maestro.


I would like an option in
to consider minimized applications as well. Or is there any way to achieve the same with current version of KM?

It Works Exact what i wanted Thank You scratched my head off before :grinning:

I see "Reopen Windows option" mentioned here and in the wiki: manual:Application Switcher [Keyboard Maestro Wiki] yet I can't figure out where to set the option or edit the script. (Can you tell I'm brand new to KM).

When I go to edit this is what I see:

Am I just blind?

Possibly but unlikely!

On the wiki page you mentioned, about 2/3 the way down is this:

If you click and hold down on any icon, a menu with these options will appear. Using the menu, you can also configure the switcher to:

  • switch just the front window instead of all windows.

  • reopen windows when switching.

This refers to when you’re actually running the macro, not looking at it in the KM editor.

Hope that helps.

Magic. I may need to earn a PhD in KM. - Mark

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I’ve never used the application switcher so if you do get your PhD maybe it’ll rub off on me!

Digging in for my undergrad degree in KM here. How do I reopen on windows in app that is minimized in my own macros. I've dug in the app and on the forum. The best I can find is a confusing wall of AppleScript. (see: Unminimize or Fullscreen - #3 by CJK)

In this I'm creating a global search shortcut for TheBrain:

The action part works well, I just can figure out easily how to unminimize the window if it has been minimized.

Hey Mark,

Take a look at this:

macOS Unminimize Specific Windows from Dock - #2 by ccstone
