I very often started to use Keyboard Maestro as a way to add little scripts that I can play around with in _sandbox. However sometimes I want to edit something in another group, the only way I can do that is manually press on the correct group with mouse/trackpad. This is really inefficient. I really wish there was a way, something like this :
But not for 'Add Action' but for 'Go to Group'. This would save me a lot of time. Or perhaps have the ability to set in KM window hotkeys, something like cmd + 1 will go to _sandbox, cmd + 2 will go to global, cmd + 3 will go to text manipulation group or something like that however that is not an ideal solution as when number of groups grows, you cannot map everything efficiently. I really want to save my time switching between this groups.
Thank you I hope you can understand what I mean and it will be possible to add something like this. For an automation application like that, I really do believe a great keyboard based workflow for creating these macros is really crucial I think. I hope you can agree with me on this.