Add Temporary Favorite Actions KM 10 - my workflow

When I create/try macros, I work a lot with copy and paste, which means that the copied actions are always overwritten by copying them to the clipboard again.

Thanks to the Favorite Actions I can now save actions and use them again and again.
Since I don't need all of them again and again, I thought about saving them only for a short time as "Temp1" for the macro project and then delete them again.


12)Add Temp1 <4128 211105T005623>.kmmacros (22,5 KB)

12)Add Temp1 <4128 211105T005623>

Please note the screenshots for the following macro. If necessary, these must be adapted.

11)Delete Temp1 <C78D 211105T005635>.kmmacros (69,9 KB)