Add to clipboard and mark as Favorite?

Sometimes I'd like to copy things and I know I want to keep them around as a favorite (at least until I clean it up sometime in the distant future). Is there a way to add something to the clipboard and immediately mark it as a favorite?

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I suspect you are talking about KM's clipboard history. I don't think that feature supports "favourites", but you can make your own "favourites." For example, you could create a hotkey that stores the current clipboard into a "named clipboard." Then you could create a hotkey that will paste that "names clipboard" into the current app.

That would be two simple macros with one action each. Would that satisfy you?

AFAIK, only if the History Switcher is open. If that's the case, do the copy, make sure the Switcher is the active window, then:

  • Keystroke: ⌘↑ to select the first item (the current System Clipboard)
  • Keystroke: ⌥⌘L to mark the selected item as a Favourite