Add WebPage to Chrome Reading List (w/ hotkey)

Hey everyone,

I am new to Keyboard Maestro but I am a huge fan. I have been playing around with the app to find solutions (however simple and stupid they may be at first) to problems I run into throughout the day. My thought is to keep working the muscle and eventually I will get to more sleek solutions.

I wanted to share a keyboard hotkey (control + Command + D) which is similar to Command + D on Macs which adds to bookmarks in Chrome. I have it set up to add the page to my Reading List

Add to Chrome reading list.kmmacros (5.8 KB)


Howdy, welcome to the forum! As you might already be aware, this is a great community full of people who love to help.

Thanks for sharing your macro with us too! A lot of my macros (and likely many others here as well) are very simple, but they save a lot of time and/or effort so they are still very valuable.

A couple of pointers for your future macros:

  1. When working with found images, it's better to save the image to a file, and then reference that file instead of placing the image directly in the action. The reason is when an image is placed directly in the action, it's saved to the master plist file which can become quite large over time and cause the Keyboard Maestro Editor to run slow. Obviously if you’re sharing a macro with found image actions, it's better to have the image in the action itself so you don't have to worry about sharing the image file separately; but just for future reference. Let me know if that doesn’t make any sense and I can explain further and provide some reading material on it.

  2. It looks like you might have set this macro up when dark mode was enabled. If that's the case, it likely won't work if dark mode is disabled. Keyboard Maestro has an easy way to determine if dark mode is enabled or not, and then you can have the macro do different things based on that info (such as look for one of two images, one for light mode, the other for dark mode).

  3. You can also limit the image search to a specific area of the screen, or even a window. This will help reduce the CPU load of Keyboard Maestro searching a very large area when the image might be localized to a specific area.

Again, thanks for sharing! I love seeing other peoples' macros, no matter what they are and how simple/complicated they may be. Even if I don't have a usage case for a particular macro they often give me ideas of things I'd like to implement.

Feel free to reach out here or privately if anything I said didn’t make sense and I can try and help out some more. Take care!
