Alternative macro title for touch bar


is there a way to give macros a different name/title for the touch bar? I usually give macros longer, but descriptive names. This is no problem, when they are displayed on the screen, e.g. in conflict palettes. But the touch bar does not offer that much space and therefor it would be helpful if one could give macros an alternative name to display in the touch bar.


Hey Julian,

Me'thinks not – at least not directly.

I think you'd have to create another macro with an alternate name and an Execute a Macro action.


Might be a good feature idea then (cc @peternlewis :smile:)

No, I don't believe there is any such way.

I'm not really sure how such a thing would work - where or how would such a name be specified?

Maybe just a little button behind the title, that opens another screen, where you can set advanced config option for the macro, like the touchbar title or if you want to display the icon instead:

This is how it looks in BTT (for inspiration only):