I am looking for software, settings, macros, scripts, or even ideas for keeping the top edge of my windows below 24. I really like the dropdown menu bar. (I recently upgraded from 10.8 to 1.11, so I don’t know when this appeared.) However, I am very disturbed by its dropping down when I am trying to grab the top edge of a window or do something in its title bar, including use the minimize and zoom buttons.
The only think I can think of is way to crude: loop pausing for a minute (or whatever), check the top edge of the front window, and if < 24, make it be 25. Ugly, will catch the wrong windows and miss the right ones sometimes, be sort of startling, etc. But i can’t imagine how else this could be done. It looks to me like a serious mistake for Apple to let “full height” put the top at 0 instead of 25.