Anyway to get selected channel/track name without clicking, or doing anything on screen for Studio One or Logic

im trying to get the current track name and have it input input into KM. I figure if third plugins like Wavesfactory Cassette can do this, there got a be a way with with KM

Im trying to do this without any clicking, or on screen prompts, maybe using the xml file, or the way that the daw does it when it displays the channel /track name on at the top of the plugin window

I have a feeling you'll be able to get what you need from this thread:

  • Rename track
  • Copy
  • Escape


hey noisenell, thanks for the solution, but im sorry I wasn't specific enough in a my initial posting. Can you look at it again after I've edited? would appreciate any ideas you can help me with

I can't speak for Studio One, but Logic Pro is barely scriptable, so the method I suggested above is your best bet, as far as I'm aware.

Get Track Name.kmmacros (47 KB)

Macro screenshot

Thanks noisneil! this will be sufficient for now

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Hi Johann
Did it work for you ?
I am trying to find a way to open folders ( Drums, Strings, Perc etc ) without looking for them in the arrange, just use stream deck.
I do that with Nuendo and I am frustrated not having the ability to do so in Logic.

I would download the trial of PlugSearch which has a track-search feature as of v4. You can easily automate it using KM if you like.

You can use OCR to take a screenshot of the track name in the inspector and use apple text recognition to get the name of a track that is selected to a variable or clipboard. But to open folders without looking in the arrange, hmmmmm. since logic doesn't have a search track function, would have to come up with clever work around. One way to do it is to make a template and color code your tracks or folder. so if strings are always orange, you can make a macro to scroll until it finds that certain track, or scroll while taking ocr until it finds the text you want. Color coding would be the best option and would help you in many other ways too

Thanks for your answer !
So I just bought PlugSearch version 4 because they have now a track search function for logic.
Works great but not with folders... ha ha
I guess it is not as straight forward as just the push of a button, but it will help until Logic lets you deal with names.
Thanks again.

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My mistake, it works with Folders !!!!

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If you want to automate the track search function via the Stream Deck...

Create a KM Link button on the SD with the macro below selected and add the name of the track you want to select to the parameter field.

You'll need to change the green action to whatever your track search hotkey is in PlugSearch.

Go to Track.kmmacros (37 KB)

Macro screenshot

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Thanks Noisneil

Oops, I forgot to supply this ancillary macro that the other one requires.

- Wait for PlugSearch.kmmacros (33 KB)

Macro screenshot

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