Applescript Help, Please

Sorry, this is an AppleScript question, not a KM question, but there are a few AppleScript ninjas here, and I’d appreciate your help.

I know a handicapped photographer, and their hand skills have deteriorated to the point that copying images from an SD card to a folder and then ejecting the card is taking a tremendous amount of time. I’d like to automate the process. Insert card, copy images to specific folder, eject card – all automatically.

This doesn’t quite work using Image Capture and Auto-Import. It will import the images, but not eject the card, and that becomes a burdensome task with the handicap. I’ve tried a number of ways to make this work with Automator and ImageCapture, but no joy. ImageCapture is kind of broken.

Keyboard Maestro would be a snap, but the photographer is not allowed to install new software on the computer they use. AppleScript is okay, though.

I thought making a folder action for \Volumes that would activate whenever a new volume is attached. The script would:

  • Check the new volume name to see if it’s one of the camera memory cards;
  • If it is not a camera card, do nothing.
  • If it is a camera card, copy the images from the card to a specified folder, avoiding duplicates;
  • When finished copying, eject the card;
  • Put up an alert to remove the card from the reader.

Can someone help me out on this? I don’t know enough AppleScript to make this work.

Thanks in advance.