I put together an applescript from the internet to take a screenshot and hide the desktop items.
As I'm a beginner with Applescript, I wanted to talk to the experts and ask if you can/must improve on this one
set spacechar to ASCII character 32
do shell script "ls -Ol ~/Desktop/" -- Read chflags in ls
if result contains "staff" & spacechar & spacechar & "hidden" then
do shell script "chflags nohidden ~/Desktop/*"
do shell script "chflags hidden ~/Desktop/*"
end if
delay 2
set theDesktop to POSIX path of (path to desktop as string)
set theCurrentDate to current date
set shellCommand to "/usr/sbin/screencapture " & quoted form of (theDesktop & "Screen Shot " & theCurrentDate & ".png")
do shell script shellCommand
delay 1.5
set spacechar to ASCII character 32
do shell script "ls -Ol ~/Desktop/" -- Read chflags in ls
if result contains "staff" & spacechar & spacechar & "hidden" then
do shell script "chflags nohidden ~/Desktop/*"
do shell script "chflags hidden ~/Desktop/*"
end if
Another approach to toggling between a clear Desktop and a populated one is to toggle the com.apple.finder CreateDesktop setting.
For a Keyboard Maestro Execute Shell Script action you could write something like:
if [ $(defaults read com.apple.finder CreateDesktop) = true ]; then
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop true
killall Finder
echo $(defaults read com.apple.finder CreateDesktop)
or if you prefer to keep it in an Execute AppleScript or Execute JavaScript for Automation action then things like:
-- toggleDesktop :: () -> IO Bool
on toggleDesktop()
(do shell script (unlines({"if [ $(defaults read com.apple.finder CreateDesktop) = true ]; then", ¬
" defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false", ¬
"else", ¬
" defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop true", ¬
"fi", ¬
"killall Finder", ¬
"echo $(defaults read com.apple.finder CreateDesktop)"}))) = "true"
end toggleDesktop
-- MAIN ---------------------------------------------------
on run
end run
-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------
-- concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
-- concat :: [String] -> String
on concat(xs)
if length of xs > 0 and class of (item 1 of xs) is string then
set acc to ""
set acc to {}
end if
repeat with i from 1 to length of xs
set acc to acc & item i of xs
end repeat
end concat
-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
-- intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
on intercalate(sep, xs)
concat(intersperse(sep, xs))
end intercalate
-- intersperse(0, [1,2,3]) -> [1, 0, 2, 0, 3]
-- intersperse :: Char -> String -> String
-- intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
on intersperse(sep, xs)
set lng to length of xs
if lng > 1 then
set acc to {item 1 of xs}
repeat with i from 2 to lng
set acc to acc & {sep, item i of xs}
end repeat
if class of xs is string then
end if
end if
end intersperse
-- unlines :: [String] -> String
on unlines(xs)
intercalate(linefeed, xs)
end unlines
Here is an improved version of your first script (the approach with the hidden flag):
set ssDir to POSIX path of (path to desktop as text)
set ssDate to current date
# For a shorter date string:
# set ssDate to short date string of ssDate & space & time string of ssDate
set ssName to "Screen Shot" & space & ssDate & ".png"
do shell script "chflags -h hidden ~/Desktop/*"
delay 2
do shell script "screencapture" & space & quoted form of (ssDir & ssName)
do shell script "chflags -h nohidden ~/Desktop/*"
The script now simply hides all files before the screen shot and makes them visible again after the screen shot.
The original script had a toggle: if one of your files was already hidden it would make all files visible. IMO, this makes no sense for your purposes.
A cleaner variable structure.
For a shorter date format uncomment line #4
The -h switch in the chflags shell command is necessary in case you have symlinks on the Desktop.
However, I’m undecided if this approach (setting the hidden flags) or @ComplexPoint’s approach (changing the Finder setting) is the better one.
It is using the Finder setting, which is made exactly for that.
It also hides Volume icons on the Desktop.
The drawback is that after changing the Finder setting the Finder has to be relaunched, which can take a bit of time if you have lots of windows open. (Two Finder relaunches per screen shot.)