AppleScript that find last cell in Excel range

Attached AppleScript works fine if row number 46949 is the last row in an Excel range. But the last cell in range can vary. Is there a way for the script to find the last cell in a range. So 'A2:A46949' would become something like 'A2:ALastCell'?

test.kmmacros (1.9 KB)

You generally create a range object then work with that -- the script you show returns a list containing the value of every cell in the range object "A2 through A46949". The last cell in the range is A46949.

Change the line to include "A2:A10" and the last cell in the range is A10.

So you determine what the last cell in a range is -- you just need to decide how you do that! Is the range the current selection? Does it end with the last cell in the column that has a value? Or that has a specific value? Randomly? Something else?

@layo , are you trying to find the last cell in column A?

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active sheet of active workbook -- or whatever sheet you want
		tell range "A:A" to set rng to cell (count of rows) -- (1)
		tell rng to set rng to get end direction toward the top -- (2)
	end tell
end tell

Line (1) grabs the very last cell that Excel allows in a column (usually row 1048576). Essentially the same as writing A1048576.

Line (2) moves that range up to the first non-blank cell it finds, leaving you with the last cell in the column. Final result: A46949 (or whatever the last cell actually happens to be in your particular spreadsheet).

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