Application specific keys (switching from QuicKeys)

Possibly about to be a new user. I'm currently a Quickeys user.
Can the keys be made application specific?
Meaning when I type the 'trigger' key in the specified app. it triggers the key.
If I'm not in the 'specified app' then the key does not trigger, OR I can have another key doing something different in another application that is triggered by the same 'trigger' key.
hope that made sense.

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Please forgive my non-experience with the app. I asked way too soon. I found it.

I’m glad you found it.

I get a lot of QuicKeys refugees. Keyboard Maestro and QuicKeys are very different, and can be a bit jarring initially, but I frequently get the comment along the lines of “Why didn’t I switch sooner”. Hopefully your experience will be similar.

Please read the wiki page on transitioning from QuicKeys for some tips, and also read the Quick Start to understand the different parts that make up Keyboard Maestro and how they work together, as well as to become familiar with the terminology used in Keyboard Maestro.

Yes, this is easy to do and is fundamental to how Keyboard Maestro works.
The Hot Key trigger will only trigger a macro when it is "active" or "available" based on the criteria you have set in the Macro Group. This means, for example, that the same Hot Key can be used to trigger different macros when different applications are active (frontmost).

For more details, see:
Macro Activation [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

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I know this is a couple weeks late but welcome aboard, there are several helpful people here on the forums and unlike Startly any mention of other software isn't removed."Keyboard%20Maestro"

I started switching over 2 years ago and it was extremely painful because I had over 1,000 macros I used in QuicKeys. The screen aware features initially pulled me over since QuicKeys didn't have that and all the little things that broke finally helped me to just go all in.

There is a steeper learning curve no doubt and I still have a lot of hurdles to overcome but @peternlewis @ccstone @JMichaelTX @DanThomas and @Tom Have ben amazing among others at helping with the switch.

You'll find that updating an entire group of commands for a new update of software to be much simpler then it is in QuicKeys. If you choose to have two different names or the software has different names with updates like Microsoft Excel 2011, Microsoft Excel 2016 etc. adding all the different versions is done in one location rather then in every command.

Dealing with multiple macros assigned to the same key command is so much easier (called the conflict pallet in Keyboard Maestro) and doesn't deal with you dragging them to a pallet. What might not be as obveous as in QuicKeys (at least it wasn't for me) is sorting them. This thread was very helpful to me and something I use all the time. Duplicate Key Command for Macro Palette

I have found that Keyboard Maestro seems to shave a few msec off in some cases seconds compared to what was done in QuicKeys.

I have only a few more things I need to move over and the biggest things holding me back that I still use QuicKeys for is that Keyboard Maestro doesn't recognize hidden background applications with windows in the front. This is the case for most menulet applications that don't show up when you command+tab through apps (or show up in the doc with a dot under them) but have a window at the front. Once Keyboard Maestro adds this feature I think I will have ditched QuicKeys for good.

Best wishes with the transition!

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Hi Skillet, thank you for touching base.
It’s been quite a haul from the ole’ QK’s, probably used the software 30 years. Very embedded.
BUT, glad to be ‘on the other side of the fence’ now.
Lots to learn, but up for the challenge.
Again, thank you for reaching out.