Application Switcher doesn't handle Shift-Command-Tab as expected

I expect the Application Switcher to be a more or less “drop in replacement” for OS X’s application switcher, and AFAICT is almost is. What has frustrated me is that Shift-Command-Tab doesn’t work like OS X’s application switcher–i.e., it should cause the switcher to focus on the previous application in the switcher.

What I see is that Shift-Command-Tab does launch the switcher, but while the switcher is up, hitting the trigger causes the next application to get the focus, not the previous. Shift-Command (without Tab) does what I expect Shift-Command-Tab to do–the previous application in the switcher gets the focus.

From what I can tell, this behavior is not specified in the macro, but is internal to the Switcher itself.

Is this intentional? If not, can it be fixed?

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Correct. In the system switcher, you do this:

Command-Tab, hold the command key down, and then press Tab to shift forwards and and press Shift-Tab to shift backwards.

In the Keyboard Maestro switcher, you do this:

Command-Tab, hold the command key down , and then press Tab to shift forwards and Shift to shift backwards.

This is the intended behaviour. Pressing Shift-Tab to move backwards is needlessly cumbersome.

I don’t suppose there’s a way to enable the cumbersome shortcut? :grinning:

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I would like to have this feature as well. It’s easier for me to press Shift + Command + Tab rather than holding Command and pressing Shift with my pinky. I would like this to be an option to turn on as well. Every OS I use (Windows and Ubuntu) apply Shift + Command + Tab uniformly.

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To go backwards you hold Command and press Shift. (No need to hold Tab.)

You are right. I had a typo and meant to type “Command” where I had typed “Tab”. (Fixed it). But still, I would rather hold Command + Shit and press Tab to go backwards. It’s the way I’ve been doing it for 25 years and is globally accepted.

+1 Please add the normal behavior as an option in preferences. After using KM for a long time this is still so darn frustrating when moving between computers that work normally and then back the KM "better" way.


+1 for me too on this. Can't get rid of years of doing the same shortcut, not to mention if I change to other Macs that do not have KM installed.
Is there also a way to roll back to the default system application switcher? Just started with KM, no complains so far, pretty sure there's a reason for many of the decisions and paradigms, but would change a few things at a time if possible.

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Of course - you can disable the Activate Application Switcher macro in the Switcher Group, or change the hot key if you desire.

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Yeah, I'd like it to have an optional "compatibility" mode where cmd+shft+tab works as it does in the normal switcher. I've been using the KM switcher for the last few months and just haven't been able to get used to it working this way.

+1 Please add support for cmd+shft+tab to shift backwards in KM!
It’s the way I’ve been doing it for 25 years.

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I would actually like to have full customisation options on the shortcuts that I can use once the application switcher is activated. Right now you can customise the shortcut to activate it/move fwd, but not the one to move backward, from what I can see. I have a custom keyboard layout, and for reasons that would be long to explain, for me the ideal combination to move backwards would be cmd + space (which doesn't trigger Spotlight, because I've modified the shortcut to activate spotlight).

I guess such a feature would be pretty straightforward to enable, and it would make many of us happy, including those in this thread who favour the dafault Mac OS behaviour :slightly_smiling_face:

Moving it forward is the same hot key as you trigger it with. Moving it backwards is just tapping the Shift key.

Alternatively, you can use the Arrow keys.

There are also a bunch of other keys which perform actions on the selected item which you can see by pressing and holding the mouse on an icon to show the contextual menu. These can be configured in a hidden preference.

But you can't make Command-Space move backwards in the list and that is not something that's going to happen.

Thanks Peter, not so much of a big deal for me as I've found a workaround, but I think a more comprehensive shortcuts customisation would be desirable in future releases, as many pointed out in this thread. I found out about the additional keys by reading the documentation and I think that's a great feature. There's no way to find that out unless you read the full documentation, which is not realistic for most users, so I suggest to add some text at the bottom of the application switcher UI, so people are aware of it.

Perhaps it’s perception bias, but these little info texts seem to be appearing in more and more places. Personally, I don’t like them, but they might be OK in infrequently visited locations (like app/system settings) and if they provide crucial information, such as when a setting can have significant and non-obvious impacts.

However, they definitely shouldn’t be part of frequently seen UI elements (like an application switcher). Why? After the initial few uses, you know the text, making it visual clutter from then on. (Additionally, they can give the impression that all is said, which might prevent the user from opening the documentation at all.)

However, small question mark icons can be useful and are less intrusive. When clicked, they provide a tooltip, or a link to a help document or web page.

KM already has these “question mark icons”, in the form of a “Help” menu item in every action’s “gear” menu (top right corner). This takes you to the corresponding KM Wiki article, which offers not only essential information but also additional details. (Unlike as in some other applications, it really brings you to the relevant topic, rather than taking you to the main help page where you then are expected to search for information that may not exist in the documentation.)

I often click the Help even when I don’t (think I) need it, such as after using an action for a while, just to see if there is something new (or not so new) I'm unaware of.

Admittedly, for new users, this is not as obvious as an info text or a Help icon baked into the front GUI element. But once learned that every action has a Help menu item and that it’s an excellent and quick source of information, I believe it’s an efficient help/info system.