Assign a hotkey to switch to the first desktop of screen 2

I would like to make my screensaver app more robust and general.

Here's the background: I can use System Preferences > Keyboard> Keyboard Shortcuts > Mission Control > Mission Control to define the command to switch to the first desktop in the second screen if it exists. I have code to make the first or second screen the active one (using SCREENCOUNT() and mouse clicks). By convention, I use ^0 in my macros, for all my computers to switch to the first desktop of the second screen, even though the number of desktops and the number of screens can vary.

Here is the problem: If the number of desktops changes, MacOS will renumber the sequence numbers of the desktops. So, if there are 6 desktops in the first screen, first desktop of the second screen is desktop 7. I assign the hot key ^0 to switch to desktop 7. it will work fine until I add another desktop to the first screen, in which case the first desktop of the second screen is now desktop 8. How can I keep the macro constant when the number of desktops (and the number of screens) may change? At the moment I support only one or two screens.

Yes, I suppose I could ask the user to pre-allocate a bunch of desktops on each screen, and then not use them, but that seems gross.