Attach a pdf to an email

I need to generate a pdf in word and automatically attach it to an email with outlook 2011, what is the best way to do this?

thank you

Hi @Enrico_Angelini,

It would be good to see what you tried so far.

I have neither of these applications and my suggestion would always be to build this up through a little sequence of ā€˜ingredientsā€™ which you can then pull together.

So first you want to create a macro which generates your PDF file. Nothing else - just that.
Then create something which creates a new draft in Outlook.
Then another which enables an attachment in Outlook

Once these are working, you can string them together by having a macro which contains the three other macros. So the macro

"Generate PDF in Word an attach to draft"

is simply made up of these three macros:

Execute macro "Generate PDF from Word"
Execute macro "Create draft in Outlook"
Execute macro "Attach file in Outlook"

The luxury here is that you can then use these ingredients elsewhere!

Then, as you use it, you may say: I hate navigating to find my PDF file.

OK, then an create another macro which you can add in and which does this:

"Copy PDF to MyTempFolder"

Then you can adjust the ā€œAttach file in Outlookā€ macro to always look in MyTempFolder - and even delete the files afterwards.

In summary: Create your ingredients, then string them together, then improve.

i attach two screenshots that better explain what i need.
the first shows the word's print window and i would like to click in lower
left corner on the pdf button, the second shows the menu that i get when i
click on the pdf button and i want to choose the outlook option that
automatically attach the pdf in a new outlook email.

I don't understand how to use the action "move or click mouse" to do what i
want, also because i think i will need this feature in many other cases

Enrico Angelini

Da: Rather
Risposta: Keyboard Maestro Discourse
Data: venerdƬ 8 agosto 2014 18:44
A: Enrico Angelini
Oggetto: Re: [Keyboard Maestro] Attach a pdf to an email

Donā€™t select by ā€œmove or click mouseā€ ā€“ select by using action
"Insert text (by typing) "outlā€™ "

this is the second step, but how can i click on the pdf button?

thank you for your patienceĀŠ

Enrico Angelini
Da: rolian
Risposta: Keyboard Maestro Discourse
Data: venerdƬ 8 agosto 2014 20:24
A: Enrico Angelini
Oggetto: Re: [Keyboard Maestro] Attach a pdf to an email

I wonā€™t be at my Mac until tomorrow morning, but it was either
a button press or menu item action - Iā€™ll check when I can and
let you know. I print to evernote from that same menu, so I can
just show that and you can adjust to type ā€œOutlā€ instead of the
"Send to Ev" that i use

Hey Enrico,

This is a job for AppleScript.

While you can drive the UI to get the job done, you have far more control with a scripted solution.

It will run a bit faster if you save it from the Applescript Editor to a script (.scpt) file, and run a script file in your Execute AppleScript action. (But it won't hurt anything to run it as a text script.)


# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2014-08-08 : 16:50
# dMod: 2014-08-08 : 17:07 
# Appl: Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word
# Task: Create PDF from Active-Document in Word and attach to new
#Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā : Outlook message.
# Tags: @Applescript, @Script, @Microsoft_Outlook, @Microsoft_Word
# Note: Tested on OSX 10.9.4 - Word & Outlook from Office 2011

  set emlName to "Your Recipient's Name"
  set emlAdrs to ""
  set emlSubject to "Your Email Subject"
  set desktopPath to path to desktop as text
  tell application "Microsoft Word"
    tell active document
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ".docx"
      set docName to (text item 1 of (get its name)) & ".pdf"
      set newFilePath to desktopPath & docName
      save as file name newFilePath file format format PDF
    end tell
  end tell
  tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set newMsg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:emlSubject}
    tell newMsg
      make new recipient with properties {email address:{name:emlName, address:emlAdrs}}
      make new attachment with properties {file:alias newFilePath}
    end tell
    open newMsg
  end tell
on error e number n
  set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n
  if n ā‰  -128 then
      tell current application to button returned of (display dialog e with title Ā¬
        "ERROR!" buttons {"Copy Error Message", "Cancel", "OK"} Ā¬
        default button "OK" giving up after 30)
      if ddButton = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e
    end try
  end if
end try


I meant to mention:

I save my AppleScripts in the same structure used by Appleā€™s own AppleScript Menu, which is also used by FastScripts. You can of course put them anywhere you wish, but Iā€™ve gotten used to this modality over a couple of decades.

~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Microsoft Word/<your script name>

Paste the following line into the Terminal to create this folder and automatically go there in the Finder. (Do NOT copy the return on the end of the line, or it will automatically execute when you paste in into the Terminal.)

DIR=~/'Library/Scripts/Applications/Microsoft Word/'; mkdir -p "$DIR"; sleep 0.25; open "$DIR";


Here is my macro to print to Evernote via the PDF menu:

1 Like

Hi Chris

This has worked a treat for ages but in the recent iteration of Catalina, I get an error.

The error is: "Microsoft Outlook got an error: Canā€™t get alias "Macintosh HD:Users:andrewkornberg:Desktop:File Name.pdf" of outgoing message id 824487.

Not sure what has changed.



The code is:



set emlName to "XXXX"

set emlAdrs to "XXXX"

set emlSubject to "For upload and sending out please. Thanks +++"


set desktopPath to path to desktop as text


tell application "Microsoft Word"

tell active document

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ".docx"

set docName to (text item 1 of (get its name)) & ".pdf"

set newFilePath to desktopPath & docName

save as file name newFilePath file format format PDF

end tell

end tell


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"


set newMsg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:emlSubject}

tell newMsg

make new recipient with properties {email address:{name:emlName, address:emlAdrs}}

make new attachment with properties {file:alias newFilePath}

end tell

open newMsg

end tell


on error e number n

set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n

if n ā‰  -128 then


tell current application to button returned of (display dialog e with title Ā¬

"ERROR!" buttons {"Copy Error Message", "Cancel", "OK"} Ā¬

default button "OK" giving up after 30)

if ddButton = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e

end try

end if

end try
