Audio Output Trigger? (2021)

In 2018, the question was asked if KM could sense system audio output [Audio output trigger?](https://Audio Output Trigger?)

This thread suggests some workarounds but not a real solution to monitoring system audio as a trigger.

I was wanting to surface this question again to see if any solutions are available 3 years later?

I want to monitor sound from a Safari Tab and trigger an action if the tab is producing no sound after a delay.

Can KM maestro monitor sound levels from Safari or from the system in general to trigger an action?
Could also use a 3rd party program if anybody is aware of one that could trigger the KM action via AppleScript or Python, etc.


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I'm looking for this also. I want to be able to detect what source is producing the audio coming from my speakers as any point in time so I can mute the source. Currently I want to know if audio is currently playing from Apple Music or Safari but other sources might come into play like Zoom or other apps that produce sound.

I want to be able to detect what source is producing the audio coming from my speakers

Rogue Amoeba's SoundSource can help you find this out, but not in an automatable fashion. See Rogue Amoeba | Figure out which app is making noise, with assistance from SoundSource

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Upvote for SoundSource... I also like that you can mute individual apps and also reroute their audio to a specified device.