Automatically Approve Zoom Links from Safari Macro

Nice job! I do something similar as part of a larger macro, but I use the following action to click the allow button. This way it's not dependent on found images.

Press a Button Action (v10.0.1)

Press a Button.kmactions (403 B)

Keyboard Maestro Export


Does that work in a Safari pop-up? I had no idea! What about other Safari window pop-up like "No Thanks" which I see a lot.

I'm not sure about the "No Thanks" popup or others, but it works flawlessly every time in the "Do you want to allow this page to open “"?" popup. :grin:

Okay. I had just assumed anything that popped up in Safari was Javascript code and not Safari code. I was clearly wrong. I'll try to recognize the difference in the future.

To be honest both JavaScript and Safari code are beyond me... I was just messing around with my macro one day and realized the Button action worked like a charm :+1:t2: :grin:

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Oh wow, that's much better! I should have thought to try that.

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I was just making a new macro and realized that the press a button action also works with the popup asking if you want to store or update your Keychain password, so it looks like it has pretty wide-spread compatibility.


Apple should include a Safari logo in any pop-up that's generated by Safari rather than by Javascript.

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So what would be the most efficient way of constantly monitoring Safari to see if a zoom link had been clicked external to Safari or even within Safari and that allow window/button came up? Just want to learn what you folks think would be the least straining on the system at the same time efficient and constantly monitoring.

Good stuff, cheers

It looks like the best way is to use a Focused Window Trigger, as @gglick suggests here:

I'll add that soon, it's a good idea.

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Here's a new version that works from within Safari as well as from other apps (and incorporates @cdthomer's suggestion too):

Automatically Approve Zoom Links.kmmacros (4.4 KB)


Personally I went a different route for a similar situation with Amazon Chime links. Instead of automating clicking a button in the browser, I used Finicky (open source app from John Sterling) to rewrite the URL to the format that launches directly in the native app. I think something similar should work for Zoom too, but you'd have to find out the URL format for launching to make it work.

Here's the config I used for Amazon Chime:

module.exports = {
  defaultBrowser: "Choosy",
  // Rewrite Chime Meeting links to launch the native app instead of in the browser
  // Browser URL format is (10-digit meeting ID)
  // Native app format is chime://meeting/?pin=xxxxxxxxxx
  rewrite: [
  		match: "*",
  		url: ({ url }) => {
  			return "chime://meeting/?pin=" + url.pathname.slice(1, 500);
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Hey Jake,

You're using both Finicky and Choosy?

I don't know what the macOS requirements are for Choosy these days, but I think it can do this job by itself – and it has a UI for folks who's js.fu is not yet strong.


Heheh - yea. Forgot about that. I use Choosy for most browser targeting, but I found Finicky easier to configure for rewriting URLs. I'm actually not sure Choosy can do that part, but Choosy was happy to accept Chime as a browser target. :man_shrugging:

It might work with just one or the other though. Haven't tried.

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Very interesting. I'll have to monkey with Finicky.

I've been eying Choosy for some time, but I normally only use one web browser and haven't really wanted to add yet another utility to my menagerie.


A user on another thread found that this macro was causing problems. It reminded me that I've modified it a bit, so here's the updated version. I'm now running it from within the Safari macro group, which means it fires less often (although still a lot!).

Approve Zoom Links Macro (v10.1.1)

Approve Zoom Links.kmmacros (27 KB)

Perhaps a bit off topic. I use an application named JustJoin which you can get in the App Store which addresses the same issue. It monitors your calendar. When there is a meeting it pops up a notification that you can click and it will open the meeting directly in Zoom. So no intermediate browser where you have to accept.

For me this addresses two problems.

  1. I less often forget meetings since they are popped in my face
  2. No need to push accept any more

Unfortunately, this isn't working for me. Has anyone else gotten it to work?

Hey There,

Welcome to the forum!  :sunglasses:

You most likely will have to retake the image in the found-image action on your system to get the proper resolution for it to work.


Hold down the key when selecting the image, so it gets placed on the Clipboard.

Paste into the image well in the found-image action.


If you're using the original version with the found image, try replacing it with the more recent version posted later in the thread. It should be more reliable.

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