Automating Copy Pasting Info Between Browser Tabs


I'm pretty new to this so sorry in advance if this is a basic question.

Is it within Keyboard Maestro's capabilities to copy and paste info between tabs efficiently? Or capture exact keystrokes needed to do so? For context, for work I have a new workflow where I need to copy and paste info from one tab into a Google sheet on another tab. I imagine one way is to just record my clicks and recreate but I wonder if there's a way to pull from the website info (like copy pasting a specific text section of a page) to the Google sheet.

What's the best way to go about this?

Thank you!

Without more information, it's hard to give an exact answer, but I would say that in general, before recording a macro try and repeat your process using the keyboard (over the mouse) as much as possible, for example, copy / paste using command c command v (obviously) and switch tabs, perhaps anchor your selection to a specific cell, then use arrow keys to go to the cell that you want to paste.

Once you have determined the best way to accomplish the task via the keyboard, now you can begin to write your macro to reproduce your steps.

Sometimes it's not possible to completely replicate your goal via the keyboard, and in those cases clicking via 'coordinates' relative to a window corner should work, or clicking on a found image.

Good luck, play around, and let us know if you have any questions! And please be as specific as possible when asking for help with an automation. The more detail you can give, the more help we can give!

EDIT: One other note, google sheets does have scripting support Google Sheets API

If you're comfortable with any of the several languages they support, or REST directly, that is probably the way to accomplish your task with the least amount of error and the fastest way possible