Automating KM Macro Creation For Simple Hazel Replacement AND Getting Notification

With Hazel down for Catalina updating I've begun using KM to file items saved to the desktop using the following macro:

Athlete's Touch.kmmacros (2.4 KB)

This takes something from the file's title and puts it away. So far, great!

It doesn't take too many repetitions of duplicating the macro, renaming it, and pasting in a new "contains" value then moving on to relocating the file for the routine to beg for some automation.


Automate Macro Creation.png

gets the job done.

The cherry on top would be to get a notification each time the macro runs showing the results so I could easily track down any mis-files. While I could chase the results down in the Engine Log file, that's unlikely. Any other options short of deeply involved scripting or Peter creating a new function?

Easy. Just use the Notification action.

Good! Thanks! Interesting action with lots of possible outputs via tokens.

I played with the tokens and didn't find a ready made way to get the results of the macro in terms of what got moved where. Is that available and can the Notification display that like "X file was moved from the Desktop to X folder"?

I also dropped two files that were moved from the Desktop to the same folder and got one Notification. Can I get two?

If I drop many files onto the Desktop and they get moved to multiple locations, can I get a Notification for each?