"Available when window title contains" multiple conditions


I am trying to run macros in a group in Chrome when the window title contains either (Builder) or (Template).

Per a few past topics, I set the condition to: (Builder) | (Template) but it doesn't work for example on a page having the title of Team (Template).

It works if I set it to just (Template).

Is there a way to tell it to also match when the window title contains (Builder)?

Any idea?

Use this regex:

and matches condition


Also, you can add multiple conditions and set to "if any of the following are true"



I am trying to accomplish something very similar to @Sridhar: type a keystroke when my application (Skim a .pdf file reader) launches only when the title of my .pdf file contains a specific word (dictionnaire or Dictionnaire).

I have red the wiki. Tried @Zabobon solution (it worked, thank you!) but I think, in the future, I'll prefer a solution where I can modify my conditions by only adding a word.

That's why I tried to make @macdevign_mac solution work. And failed.

I guess it comes from the fact I don't know how to verify if the title of the .pdf file I do open contains the words I use as a condition.

Below is the screenshot of my macro:

Any help would be appreciated :grinning:

I don't see any reference to a window title in your macro—you need to be matching on a window title containing, and your conditional is just checking either a word or a global variable (which isn't set in this macro, so it can't be the current document title) against the regex.

I think you need something like this:

The %WindowName%1% token returns the name of the frontmost window, and the regex should make sure it matches your search terms. I haven't tested this, though.

EDIT: You may also need a delay after launch to let the document open before you check the If/Then.


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Thank you so much rob, you brought the missing piece of logic I was looking for.

I also looked at tokens but couldn't figure how to make all the things work together as I was looking too much at @Sridhar question thinking only changing values would be enough.

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