Hi all,
I need some help figuring out how to batch rename files in Finder. My goal is to take several files that have different name elements and reorder them to the same format. I'm not sure how possible all of these steps are, but I wanted some advice on where to start.
Here is what I am trying to do:
(ShowCode)-(Picture Version)-(Cue Number)-(Cue Name)-(Track Name)-(Time Code)
Example of what this needs to look like in its finished state
ABC103-LC092624-1m01-Hello There-FullMix-
The problem is some of the files are named like this:
As you can see, all of the information is there, just some of it is in the wrong order. My hopes for the macro are this.
- Once all of the tracks to be renamed are selected, a prompt user menu will appear asking for certain info that remains the same for all files.
Picture Version:
Track Name:
One this information is inputted, hopefully it'd find and replace those elements, but keep the elements such as the cue number, cue name, and timecode while also ordering them correctly. Is this something that is possible? I have been trying to learn about using regualr expressions but I am very novice with the software. Any help would be appreciated!