Hey guys,
Just in case you did not receive this email offer, I wanted to share this with you:

###Buy BBEdit 11 for just US $39.99 (click here) until Jan 10, 2017!
I have been using TextWrangler (free lite version of BBEdit) for years, and it is great! But BBEdit adds so much more, and I really like to pay to support companies that provide great products that I use. See [BBEdit Comparison Chart](http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/comparison.html).
I just bought BBEdit. I had been planning to make this purchase for some time, but at 20% discount, it is a no-brainer!
####It is highly scriptable, and works very well with Keyboard Maestro.
If you are already a user of BBEdit, please post your thoughts about it below.
Thanks JM,
BBEdit v1.0 came into the world as freeware on April 12, 1992.
It was commercialized in 1993, although there has always been a lite, freeware version known as BBEdit Lite and later as TextWrangler.
I’ve used BBEdit since v1.0. I bought my first copy some time in 1994 and have been a happy upgrader ever since.
BBEdit is one of the most AppleScriptable apps available on the Mac, and that leverages its already huge feature-set to make it enormously powerful, customizable, and flexible.
It runs 24/7 on my system and helps me get a lot of work done.
-Christopher Carsten Stone
Same here, I have been using BBEdit since the dawn of time, long before taking on Keyboard Maestro. It is the first app I install on any Mac, before Keyboard Maestro even. I could not possibly count how many hours I have spent in BBEdit over the years, and how much time it has saved.