A macro for Jesse Grosjean's Bike Outliner.
Copies text relative to the selected row in Bike (by outline path)
Line(s) to copy | Outline path |
Selected row | . |
Parent of selected row | .. |
Subtree of selected row | descendant-or-self::* |
Inclusive path to selected row | ancestor-or-self::* |
Exclusive path to selected row | ancestor::* |
Other | Using Outline Paths | Bike |
BIKE - Copy Text from One or More Relatives of Selected Row (by outline path).kmmacros (17 KB)
Other Keyboard Maestro macros for BIKE Outliner
Expand disclosure triangle to view JS source
return (() => {
"use strict";
const main = () => {
const doc = Application("Bike").documents.at(0);
return doc.exists()
? (() => {
selnID = doc.selectionRow.id(),
subPath = kmvar.local_PathFromRow,
outlinePath = `//@id="${selnID}"/${subPath}`,
from = doc.query({ outlinePath }),
formatName = formatTitle(
return 0 < from.length
? outlineFullLeft(
as: `${formatName} format`,
all: false
: `No matches from selection for ${subPath}`
: "";
// formatTitle :: String -> ("bike" | "OPML" | "plain text")
const formatTitle = s => {
// Normalised for API
// (defaulting to "plain text")
const k = s.toLocaleLowerCase();
return k.includes("plain") || k.includes("xt")
? "plain text"
: k.includes("opml")
? "OPML"
: k.includes("bike") || k.includes("ml")
? "bike"
: "plain text";
// outlineFullLeft :: String -> String
const outlineFullLeft = txt => {
// A plain text outline with any surplus
// indentation pruned out.
xs = txt.split("\n"),
rgxIndent = /^\s*/u,
mindent = Math.min(
...xs.map(s => s.match(
return xs.map(
x => x.slice(mindent)
// MAIN ---
return main();