Brave browser eating keystrokes when entering URL

This is specifically a BRAVE browser problem.

I have two simple text expansions
qqkf expands to Keyboard Maestro Forum
qqkm expands to just Keyboard Maestro

In the "Google" URL field of Brave, qqkf does not work
whilst qqkm does.

Also, whilst typing in this post, qqkf does not work
whilst qqkm does.

In the KM macro insert text by typing, and it does not matter what the other settings are e.g. word boundary, diacriticals etc

qqkf works fine in textedit, pages etc as do all my other text expansions.

So it is just qqkf that is the problem in the Brave browser and this post :frowning:

Any ideas?

"Does not work" how? Doesn't trigger (check the Engine log), triggers but types nothing, triggers but types the wrong thing...?

Assuming "doesn't trigger", and assuming both those macros are in the same Macro Group, it looks to be something specific to your Brave/KM setup since that expansion works fine here in the latest version of Brave and any text area I use it in.


Mystery solved thanks to Nige.

1: Nothing happens i.e. does not type anything

2: No entry on Engine Log

3: Checked macro groups, as per Nige's nudge, and found

Screenshot 2025-01-21 19-39-52

There is absolutely no reason for that **except Brave Browser ** to be there.... anyway mystery solved.

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Nige's nudges are never negative.

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Always appreciate alliteration, @Airy.