Bringing system Windows to front

Hey, maybe someone could help me with this one... I try to figure this out for years now.
There are some windows, which are allways in the background when popping up, and for this windows a resizing seems to be impossible sometimes, allthough it is "manually" possible to resize this windows with the mouse, the keyboard maestro actions don't work for me. For example the symbol list... I can open it via shortcut, but the window stays in background and is very small (picture one).
I want to get it - for several purposes - in foreground and size it as large as possible (picture two)
I would be very happy, if someone could help! Best regards
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KM will only recognize standard macOS windows (normally created by apps), and not the system windows that have no app.

However, AppleScript can recognize and operate on these "system" windows. I don't have time right now to dig into this, but you might search the forum for "AppleScript" and "window".

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OK, just uploaded a macro/script to reposition and resize the macOS Character Viewer.
I note that you are not running the English language of macOS, so you may need to translate/revise these statements in the script:

  tell application "System Events"
    set oWin to {}
    set oWin to window "Character Viewer" of application process "CharacterPalette"
    if (oWin = {}) then error "Character Viewer Window is NOT open"
    tell oWin
      set oPos to position
      set oSize to size
      --- CHANGE Window Position and Size ---
      set position to winPos
      set size to ptyWinSize
      perform action "AXRaise"

These lines may need changing for your language:

  tell application "System Events"
     set oWin to window "Character Viewer" of application process "CharacterPalette"
    if (oWin = {}) then error "Character Viewer Window is NOT open"
      perform action "AXRaise"

Here's my macro:

MACRO: Set Position and Size of macOS Emoji Character Viewer [Example]

Please note that you will first need to manually open the Character Viewer window.
I have not been able to find a reliable way to do it by script. You might be able to do it using KM Found Images.

Let us know if this works for you.

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Unbelievable! That's so cool! Thanks a lot!
My tipp, for other users, who maybe find this helpful:
Position the cursor in any text field you'd like to insert an emoji , like posting a tweet for example. Use the keyboard shortcut Command - Control - Spacebar to access emoji.
Than trigger the script from JMichaelTX by any shortcut you like (mine is ctrl-cmd-,)
Double-click the emoji you'd like to use and it'll be inserted where you left your cursor.
P.S.: In my "version" of your script I fullscreen the emoji-bar and click directly on favorites, because I only use these... maybe someone find it helpfulSet Position and Size of macOS Emoji Character Viewer [Example].kmmacros (13.5 KB)
uuuh but note: this is a german version, to make it english again, one just have to change the word "zeichenübersicht" back to "Character Viewer"... or maybe you use the macro from JMichaelTX and just see it as in inspiration :smiley:

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