Bug report: "Any window title" condition fails to find window

This happens when trying to detect the "1Password mini" window in 1Password 7. To repro:

  1. Make sure 1Password is running in the background (the menubar icon shows up), but the main app is closed (shouldn't show up in the dock).
  2. In KM, create an "Any window title" condition, selecting "1Password 7" as the app, and "1Password mini" as the "is" text.
  3. Click the 1Password menubar icon, opening the "1Password mini" window. The condition does not evaluate to true as it should.

Note that if the main 1Password app is running in the dock, the bug goes away. For now, my workaround is to use the following applescript as the condition instead (checking if it's output equals "1Password mini" :

tell application "System Events"
	name of window 1 of process "1Password 7"
end tell