Can I Change the Action Without Delete the Action and Add?


When we want to change an action, we usually delete the action and add the expected action.

For example change "copy" to "activate a specific application":

Can you support change action without delete and add? like "execute a macro":

2021-09-30 at 7.25 PM

Hi @John_Chen - nice to see you here in the KM forum.

The short answer to this is: no. It's like in most editors - if you enter the wrong thing, then you delete it and replace it with the right one.

When asking this question, though, perhaps you had a particular use-case in mind. If you'd like to share that then you might get a more appropriate answer. Furthermore, it's not exactly clear to me what you're trying to show in your 3rd screenshot, so I apologise if I've misunderstood your query.

thanks, no use case, it's just for the experience.