I am trying to create a macro to monitor my Downloads folder for new files and I am using the Folder trigger.
Can multiple files added to the folder within a short timeframe trigger the macro only once instead of multiple times?
You could do something like this:
- Semaphore Lock Downloads
- Set Variable All Files to %Variable%All Files%%TriggerValue%%Return%
- Semaphore Unlock Downloads
- Pause 30 seconds
- Semaphore Lock Downloads
- For Each variable File in lines of variable All Files
- Do stuff
- Set Variable All Files to “”
- Semaphore Unlock Downloads
That will defer processing until 30 seconds after the first change, and then will process all the changes.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Monitor Downloads Folder
I moved the post with macro, and replies, to a NEW topic in the "macros" category, so it will be more visible to others.