Can not find Field name due to Javascript pop-up field

Hi! I am trying to semi-automate form filling, but the form I am trying to fill is activated as a pop-up, not a proper URL. No way to change this, and Keyboard Maestro is not finding the form fields automatically. I understand that it is possible to do this with some custom coding, but I need a little help to get startet. Attached is a screenshot of what chrome developer is seeing in terms of code, and also a screenshot of what keyboard maestro is seeing. If I could get help making Keyboard maestro select the correct field, then I think I could duplicate that for the rest of the form. Thank you

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I expect someone will be able to help you work this out but I just wanted to mention (just in case the thought hadn't occurred) that for a "plan B", you will probably be able to move between fields using the tab key in a Type a Keystroke action.

Yep, that's what I am doing now. But it's for some reason a little bit buggy sometime. I often have to reboot the engine, and sometimes, even though no windows have changed (I use a window organizer to lock down the windows) forms, tabs and click are not beeing clicked correctly. The whole process has mouse clicking on buttons&checkboxes, copy/paste from excel into forms, and selecting a date from a drop down menu (the last bit there I have for done opted to do manually, very hard do program the mouse to do it). I was wondering how more precise it would be if I found all the forms/checkboxes name

I wonder if you might have macros being triggered multiple times or some other unexpected behaviour. Looking at the logs might be informative (see Help > Open logs folder).

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