Can the in Mojave be automated with Keyboard Maestro?

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've held off on "upgrading" to Mojave to avoid the automation hassles and because I haven't really seen anything I really need in Mojave.

Well, now I have a HomeKit device (garage door opener) that I've like to be able to control via my Mac, which, of course, isn't possible unless you upgrade to Mojave.

What I'm wondering is whether the is actually able to be controlled my Keyboard Maestro. I've heard that it has no AppleScript support, so I'm assuming whatever is possible is pretty limited, but I wondered if anyone here had any experience with it, since I assume Keyboard Maestro is the best way to get at an app with no AppleScript support!

Thanks for any info you can share!

Marzipan apps don't seem to be very accessible, from what I can tell, it can only be automated through mouse clicks (click on found image).

It's a bit clunky to do it this way, and you are at the whims of each release of the product moving / changing UI in a way that makes the script fail, but if you're up for maintaining the macro, it should work fine.

UGH. That's what I was afraid of.

I hope that this will get better by macOS ((Mojave+1))

…but I'm not all that optimistic.