Can you Cmd Click and Cmd Ctrl Click A Button?

I have this macro that clicks a GUI button in Pro Tools. However that same button has different options if the user holds down command and clicks it, or holds down command and control and clicks it. Is there any way that I can achieve this in KM?

Below is the code from the apple script used to click the button I have also included the macro as well.

-- Attempt to click the "Insert Assignment A" button for the track
			click (button "Insert Assignment A" of group "Inserts A-E" of UI element trackName of mainWindow)
		on error
				set mixWindow to first window whose name starts with "Mix:"
				click (button "Insert Assignment A" of group "Inserts A-E" of UI element trackName of mixWindow)
			on error
				display dialog "Couldn't find or click the correct button for the track."
			end try
		end try
	end tell
end tell

Insert - Open Insert Slot A on Selected Track.kmmacros (3.9 KB)

Ok Nevermind I figured it out. The solution was to change the script to export coordinates of the button, then use KM to split the coordinates into two variables and then use the Click at position using those variables.Which of course the click at position allows you to hold down key modifiers!

This might also work:

tell application "System Events"
    -- Attempt to cmd-click the "Insert Assignment A" button for the track
        key down command
        click (button "Insert Assignment A" of group "Inserts A-E" of UI element trackName of mainWindow)
        key up command
    on error
            set mixWindow to first window whose name starts with "Mix:"
            key down command
            click (button "Insert Assignment A" of group "Inserts A-E" of UI element trackName of mixWindow)
            key up command
        on error
            key up command -- Make sure to release the command key if an error occurs
            display dialog "Couldn't find or click the correct button for the track."
        end try
    end try
end tell

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Thank you so much. I was trying that same thing initially, however Pro Tools just was not registering it as a click. I think applescript might not continue to hold the key down during the click.