Can't Activate 1Password on Sequoia 15.3

I have several macros, each having a single action to Activate a favorite application with a Hot Key:
Activate [appname]
Bring all windows to the front.
Notify on failure.

Since upgrading to Sequoia, all of these macros are working except the "1Password" macro. If the 1Password app is already running in the background, it becomes visible. But if the app is not running, nothing happens.

This works for me:

However, it doesn't work if I don't check "Reopen initial windows"

Sometimes the problem is that the app was moved or reinstalled into a new folder. If you delete the action (the one that look's like Evan's) and recreate it, there's a chance it will be fixed. Since it takes only 10 seconds to test this idea, it's worth trying.

Enabling "Reopen initial windows" did the trick! Thanks, Evan!

It's interesting that this option was not needed on Sonoma.

I think it's a 1Pass change.

1Pass quits when no windows are open. So your macro was working, except 1Pass was instantly quitting because -- no windows! @Evan_Mangiamele's "Reopen" trick solves that problem by making sure a window is open.