Can't detect menu item in Apple Notes! [trying to make a note act like a Stickies note]

Since Stickies does not synchronize anywhere, I am trying to use Apple Notes to create a Stickies-like experience (not perfect because I can't shrink a floating note as much as I would like :stuck_out_tongue: !).

I have a macro that should work to toggle between showing my note always-on-top and hiding it...but apparently Keyboard Maestro cannot see the "float on top" menu item that is accessible when a note is floating separate from the main interface.

Can somebody see if they see a solution? Thanks :slight_smile:

PS: I was going to buy UI browser, but see they still haven't updated it in years and don't really want to buy software that is no longer supported and may become incompatible at some point (unless people here highly recommend it anyway?) – – is there a newer tool that does this?

Toggle always-on-top note ("Stickyish" note).kmmacros (9.8 KB)

OK I used this

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Notes"
		name of every menu item of every menu of menu bar 1
	end tell
end tell

...and got the following, which DOES include "Float on Top"

{{"About This Mac", "System Information…", missing value, "System Preferences…", "App Store…", missing value, "Recent Items", missing value, "Force Quit…", "Force Quit Notes", missing value, "Sleep", "Restart…", "Restart", "Shut Down…", "Shut Down", missing value, "Lock Screen", "Log Out Aaron Green…", "Log Out Aaron Green"}, {"About Notes", missing value, "Preferences…", "Accounts…", missing value, "Close All Locked Notes", missing value, "Services", missing value, "Hide Notes", "Hide Others", "Show All", missing value, "Quit Notes", "Quit and Keep Windows"}, {"New Note", "New Folder", missing value, "Add People To…", missing value, "Close", "Close All", missing value, "Insert from iPhone or iPad", "Import to Notes…", missing value, "Export as PDF…", "Share", missing value, "Unpin Note", "Lock Note", missing value, "Print…"}, {"Undo", "Redo", missing value, "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Paste and Match Style", "Paste and Retain Style", "Delete", "Select All", missing value, "Attach File…", "Add Link…", "Rename Attachment…", missing value, "Find", "Spelling and Grammar", "Substitutions", "Transformations", "Speech", missing value, "Start Dictation", "Emoji & Symbols"}, {"Title", "Heading", "Subheading", "Body", "Monospaced", "Bulleted List", "Dashed List", "Numbered List", missing value, "Checklist", "Mark as Checked", "More", missing value, "Move List Item", missing value, "Table", "Convert To Text", missing value, missing value, "Font", "Text", "Indentation"}, {"as List", "as Gallery", missing value, "Sort Folder By", missing value, "Hide Folders", "Hide Note Count", missing value, "Show Attachments Browser", "Show in Note", missing value, "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", "Actual Size", missing value, "Hide Toolbar", "Customize Toolbar…", "Customize Touch Bar…", "Customize Control Strip…", missing value, "Enter Full Screen"}, {"Minimize", "Minimize All", "Zoom", "Zoom All", "Move Window to Left Side of Screen", "Move Window to Right Side of Screen", "Float on Top", missing value, "Notes", "Photo Browser", missing value, "Bring All to Front", "Arrange in Front", missing value, "Stickyish note"}, {missing value, "Notes Help"}} case that's helpful!