Can't execute programs inside `/usr/local/bin/`, KM fails but it should not

I want to execute this macro:

But when I try I get:

In terminal however, if I run the same command, it works.

Not sure why this happens.

Maybe KM needs permission to that path or something?

Okay this is strange, no idea what's happening.



It's so weird:


And my ENV_PATH is /Users/nikiv/.bun/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin. cursor-nightly should be present.

I mean it's not even PATH issue, it's

Do I have to chmod something for KM or? I am super confused.

It's there:

This however works:

Basically I need KM to be able to execute /usr/local/bin/cursor-nightly, no idea why it fails.

Your path does not include /bin which is where both bash and ls are.

Make sure your ENV_PATH variable doesn't have any invisible characters in it.

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