Can't seem to trigger OmniFocus activate action

I just started using KM, so this may be a total newb issue.

I am trying to create a startup script, and the first application I want to launch is OmniFocus. I use the Activate action, but when it gets executed, I get the following error:

Error Number: -1719

OmniFocus got an error: Can’t get document window 1 of document 1 whose index = 1. Invalid index.

What in the world does this mean and what do I need to fix this?

Thanks, David

FWIW, I’m on Yosemite 10.10.2

Hey David,

You haven’t provided any information on your macro, so how can anyone help you troubleshoot it?

That error looks like an AppleScript error — are you in fact using an AppleScript Action?

If so what is the script?

If not then please demonstrate what KM-Actions you are using?

Best Regards,


Thanks for the response. Sorry for not being more specific; I will do so in the future. I figured out that what was happening was that I had a FastScripts keyboard shortcut assigned to the same shortcut I was using for the KM macro. This was causing a problem with the execution of a totally independent AppleScript. Operator error. I have sufficiently many utilities now running that they may collide.

Thanks, David

Hey David,

I understand. I use FastScripts as my primary AppleScript-Runner, although I use KM to run a few large scripts I want to operate asynchronously.

Best Regards,