Change a Chrome Element, to Change Text Input Box Size, Please

Hi, Brains trust. I use a cloud-based program for work, via Chrome. There is a textbox that I enlarge so that I can see more of what I am writing. I right click, click on Inspect then click in the text box. That highlights the correct element of the HTML and I change the "117" to "800."

I am thinking that I can automate that by using KM to activate the menu, image search, click and simulate keystrokes. I am new to KM and have only done half a dozen macros but one of them was where I rest the cursor on a filename in Finder and have the file saved to Backblaze. On the other hand, I know practically nothing about HTML and have spent literally two hours doing Javascript (in Textexpander) in my entire life. I learnt how to program in BASIC in high school.

I'm thinking I can do this stuff, but am worried that I might choose a complicated method when there is something simpler I can do that will be more robust. In other words, I don't want to spend ages using particular commands when there were other commands that could get the job done better.

P.S. Thanks again to noisneil to an earlier answer!

I'm far from an expert in page-grabbing stuff, so I'll let others chime in ... but you might look into something likeTamperMonkey, if you can install extensions. In theory, it would let you run a script when that page loads that would automatically set the box to your preferred size.


We can't see from the HTML code, but does the box have an id you can target? Possibly whatever starts with "patientNotes"? If so you should be able to change it with JavaScript. Demo using a KM Custom Prompt:

Textarea Demo.kmmacros (2.6 KB)

Use an "Execute JavaScript in Google Chrome" action with

document.getElementById("yourIDhere").style.height = "800px";

...replacing "yourIDhere" with the element's ID.