Has anyone experimented with Keyboard Maestro for selecting presets on their Helix pedals via midi? I understand that KM handles program changes as raw midi packets, and requires hex numbers but I haven't been able to figure out how these are generated correctly.
I tried this converter and it spit out a code.
I'm trying to send program change 2 to midi channel 16, and the converter gave me: xCF 2
Unfortunately, when I enter that into the "Send MIDI Packet" action in Keyboard Maestro, the text turns red, indicating an error.
Anyone have any experience with MIDI hex codes?
I'm trying to make this happen too and have been unsuccessful so far. Have not been able to get the Helix to respond to any MIDI message of any kind yet. Checked all the MIDI settings in the manual– everything's good there. Found I can monitor MIDI with an app called MIDI Monitor– and it shows KM sending MIDI to the Helix even though the Helix isn't responding.
Sorry I didn't have anything productive to say yet, but if I figure it out I will let you know.
In this together! lol
Have you checked the hx default global midi channel?
Yeah I had it on 1, and then tried Omni just now. No cigar. Was that what did it for you?
One thing I've noticed about my hx stomp is that you need to periodically restart it to re-establish the midi connection. Might be as simple as that. Also, read the unofficial helix midi guide if you haven't already and make sure you're sending the right type of command. Most things are CC but preset change is PC. Aside from that, it's hard to know what the issue could be.
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Thank you for this. Learned a few things reading the unofficial guide just now. Will have to keep that for future reference.
Were you able to get your HX receiving/responding to incoming MIDI messages?
I'm away from home and my brain misfired: I don't use KM for HX commands as you can't specify ports with KM. Instead, I use the midi plugin on my Stream Deck. As far as I know you can't send midi to external devices using KM. Sorry mate.