Choosing Typed String Triggers

would you be so kind as to upload the macro so I can play around with it ?
I like your string trigger followed by delete

@JMichaelTX : I like Tudor's string trigger followed by a delete, and would like to use it for difficult to remember global shortcuts.
I am sure that I will bungle, choose the wrong type of string trigger and then have to go back and modify the trigger.
Could you perhaps suggest a trigger ? I was thinking something ending in $$

Here you are @ronald I don't know how to get a macro on here other than by creating a new topic which might be appropriate anyway since you want to see the Macro, maybe others will too and the token thread you started is getting long and winding?

It is really an expansion on TextExpander lines as I understand it. I mofidied the Short Date token in the tokens drop down menu for this action. I haven't tried modifying anything other tokens. This one is really useful for me. Of course I only keep the first action.

The string is just one I used on TE, the x at the start is how David Sparks advises to start them, I used it for a whole category, this is how I do short dates still. Sometimes without the time. I suppose "s" stands for 'short' and the doubling is also a stragey I use for expansion. "p p h i l" expands to "Philadelphia" for me for example. No "x" a lot of the time. "p p l " expands to "people". I often, though not as a matter of course, set the expansion to type rather than paste: good for form fill but really just an idiosyncracy of mine. I like to see longer ones write themselves.

Keyboard Maestro 8.2.4 “date short” Macro

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Almost all of my Typed String triggers use this naming convention:

for example, your date macro that returns the ISO date would be:
where "𝍖" is a SPACE character.

The prefix of ";" and suffix of SPACE ensure that I almost never accidentally trigger the macro/text expansion.

  • Actual use of ";" would always be followed by a SPACE, TAB, or end-of-line character.
  • Using SPACE as the suffix means I always have a clear method of determining when the typed string has ended.
  • Both the ";" and SPACE are easy to type.

Make sense?


@JMichaelTX I hope I managed to upload that macro ok as ronald asked. It is quite simple and it illustrates the point we have been talking about. Obviously I only use the macro normally with ONE action, the first. @ronald I use pallettes too for expansions, for longer ones and less commonly used one, citations for example: it is still quick as you can type the initial and second letter usually and it goes through fast. I dropped TextExpander.

But it shows how you can modify, quite easily, a token. In this case there could be a chain of placeholders to put it in KM terminology? I will read the wiki soon. Thanks so much.

I don't even know how I got to the ICU stuff. However if you would feel inclined to 'tidy up' my posts, feel free to edit out anything you thing otiose or irrelevant, new topic that I had to open to do this I would be fine with that. I am struggling to know how to put a macro into a thread without starting a new topic. I can only manage it that way: What a green horn I am. You may, by the way, especially since I am learning not only KM but how to use the forum properly, edit, delete, merge, split or what ever you see fit to do with my posts. As far as this forum goes I am not at all 'precious'; you guys are great.

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The basic approach to uploading a macro to an existing topic/post, is to upload it first to a new topic, select all in the new topic, cut, cancel, and paste into the existing topic.

Detailed instructions are here:
How to post/upload your macro or script.

This is at the bottom of that section, but maybe you and others would find this easier to understand:
See this video: How To Upload Macro to Existing Post in Keyboard Maestro Forum


The limitation with a typed string trigger @ronald is that they work best, I have found, in a context where one can actually put text normally as it were. frankly I have never tried to use one in another context. I have used one or two which had extra actions. Sometimes that is only a 'large text' reminding me of the string I used for example. Now I use KeyCue and that shows most KM shortcuts and so on including the trigger strings. It was one reason I droppped TextExpander. As I am learning a shortcut or trigger I found KeyCue far easier to access than the TE system. Might just be me others rave about TE access. I found it clumsy.
Like I said I used to sometimes put 'large text' displays, also there in most KM text action boxes, to remind me of related or upcoming expansions leading on from the ones I just typed, that happens often to me.

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You should never use a Typed String Trigger, or any other text expansion abbreviation, outside of a text field or text area or a document that expects text.

==Expanding a text expansion outside of a text area will cause unexpected results, which could be very dangerous.== Without a text area to receive your typing, and the DELETE keystroke, the app might take some dangerous actions.


now I remember. I knew you had a reservation which is why I never implemented the idea

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thanks very much

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If there are type timer setting, it will be perfect.