Clean up RAM usage on Mac


Do you have any suggestions for a program that works with Keyboard Maestro to clean up RAM-usage?

I have only 8GB RAM and a lot of stuff going on. It would be great to use a shortcut to clean up my RAM.


memory clean, i use it occasionally out of interest.
(also battery health has nice info on the battery)
they are standalone and do not interface directly with KM, but with bartender3 you could fix their position on menu bar at extreme right and maybe do something

apptamer might help as well

You try the "purge" shell command and see if that improves things. This clears the RAM cache

The best thing you can do is to close all apps, services, and background processes that you don't need after you finish using them. Generally, well-behaved apps will release the memory they were using.

KM does not have any Actions that deal specifically with memory clean-up.
You might get better info by a Google search.

For example, this came up at the top of my search list:
How to Free up RAM on Mac (MacBook Pro, Air, iMac) – 7 Quick Ways