Click Drag Release Question


I want to "click & drag" previously selected files to the iPad shared Finder window as displayed in the enclosed screenshot.

The files need to be dragged over to the "shared iPad application" (marked red). I believe that it may need to "pause" over the "shared iPad application" to allow the copy to initiate.

I have used the "Move Click and Drag" action before successfully, but I do not know how to deal with multiple file and the "pause" explained above. I see that there is a "Release" option, but I do not know how these actions might join together to achieve the copy.

Have looked for a tutorial, but no luck. Thanks for assistance.

I have an innocent question. Why use mouse actions? Why note just use the keyboard (or menu) copy command, then activate the other window, then send the paste command?

I am not sure whether you have an iOS device. The iPad Finder window is not a standard Finder window. You cannot paste into it; you can only drag to it.

Oh, I didn't know that. I'll try again after the other thread I'm currently working on.


My Finder is broken. I can't get anything to show in the Sidebar, so I can't open the same window that you've managed to open. I even asked ChatGPT how to fix this, and I tried all its advice, and I still couldn't see the sidebar items, so I can't replicate your problem.

Perhaps if you show your macro I can spot the issue. Or maybe we can wait for someone with a working Finder to assist you.

What does "Release" do? For there to be a "Release", there must be a "Hold" somewhere. What I need is:

  1. "Click and hold" on the highlighted files
  2. Following on from (1), drag to an "absolute coordinate"
  3. Pause for 1 second
  4. Release the mouse button.

I cannot see anywhere on the Move Click action for point (1) above. Again, what is "Release" related to? Can the above be executed on a standard Finder window?

I think you just didn't look at the menu at the bottom of the mouse action. Change "without dragging" to "drag to". What that does is click, hold, and drag the mouse to your specified location.

There are other finer points that you may need to cross, but try that first.

I have been doing that, using "drag to".

Do you know what "Release" is for?

Sure, release is for when you choose the option "and hold" which is another option in that menu.

The "drag to" is a click+hold+move+release all in one for your convenience, but you don't have to use it.

So what do I use to "exclude the Release".

If I select "and hold" instead of "drag to", the coordinates boxes disappear.

Do I then create another action and select "Just move". Will that drag my file to a location?

The "and hold" will exclude the release.

BUT some apps are troublesome, and maybe you found an app that is troublesome. (Finder isn't usually troublesome.) In such cases, we have to modify the process a little.

In this case, I recommend that you move the mouse to the location where you are going to drag and then pause there for a half second. THEN do the click and hold. See if that works. If it works, you can then either move the mouse separately or modify your action to a click and drag.

Some apps require special massaging like this. I'm not sure why Finder is giving you this problem, but this is what I do when I get a problem like yours.

Referring to my earlier list:

  1. "Click and hold" on the highlighted files
  2. Following on from (1), drag to an "absolute coordinate"
  3. Pause for 1 second
  4. Release the mouse button.

... this finally solved it....

I just did not know how these actions worked together.

It always makes sense when "you see it", but not before ! (a tutorial for it, perhaps?).

Thanks for help.

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You are welcome.

You may be able to reduce those long pauses quite a bit. Sometimes they aren't even needed. But a little pause is wise.