Clicking on an Arrow in a Grade Book?

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to use the "press button" action to click on a next arrow using a keyboard shortcut. I right clicked and inspected element to see if I could figure out the button name, but nothing I try seems to work. I tried "next-student-button" and various other text in this bit of code.

<button id="next-student-button" class="Button Button--icon-action gradebookMoveToNext next" type="button" aria-label="Next">
   <i class="icon-arrow-right next" aria-hidden="true"></i>

I have similar issues with Moodle, the most mouse-hungry and least keyboard-friendly application in history.

I was able to achieve some automation by having KM click the image of the OK button and with the actions to move the mouse cursor/position.

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@omarruvalcaba's issue is with a web page, so it might well be possible to click it using JavaScript.

See the Execute a JavaScript in Front Browser action.

Keyboard Maestro's Press a Button Action does not work with web pages – only with properly constructed macOS applications.