Clipboard History Switcher

When using the Clipboard history switcher is there a short cut that would allow me paste from the clipboard with plain text into MS Word without having to use manual mouse actions?

Hey Mark,

manual:Clipboard History Switcher [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

“Hold the Shift key while pressing return or double clicking to paste as plain text.”


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Thanks @ccstone both of those solutions require using the mouse to navigate to the clipboard. I was wondering if there was a mouse free way. My goal is to keep my hands the keyboard most of the time.

No they don't.

“==Hold the Shift key while pressing return== or double clicking to paste as plain text.”

  • Activate the Clipboard History Switcher with a Hotkey Trigger.
  • Make sure the Close after action button is active.
  • Use clipboard number 1 (pre-selected).
  • Or arrow-down to what you want.
  • Or use Find (Cmd-F).


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Oh wow. Magic. I think my mistake was around - making sure the Clipboard History Switcher was visible.

Thanks for your patience and help.
- Mark

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