CLIPBOARDSEED - Clipboard use monitoring or clipboard data change monitoring? - help

Some newbie help appreciated. (btw, thanks - brilliant software!!!)

My software copies data into the clipboard every few seconds.

"The CLIPBOARDSEED() function returns an integer that changes when the clipboard changes. It will never repeat, so you can use this to test when the clipboard has changed."

I need to monitor the clipboard every few seconds to see if the numerical data in the clipboard has changed from when I previously checked it.

  • If it has changed, then I need to calculate the difference of the current clipboard number to the previous clipboard number.
  • If it has not changed, then I continue to check for a change

I was intending to use CLIPBOARDSSEED as an efficient way of monitoring for this. However it appears that I may have understood - that possibly CLIPBOARDSEED monitors for every use of the clipboard even if the data inside the clipboard is the same and has NOT changed?

Does CLIPBOARDSEED monitor and 'trigger' for EACH change (use of?) of the clipboard regardless of whether the actual data within the clipboard has changed? or whether it is the same as before?
Or can I use it so that it only 'fires' if the retrieved data has actually changed?

Apologies if the above is unclear...

Clarification would be appreciated


In my use and testing, the CLIPBOARDSEED function changed ONLY when the data on the Clipboard actually changes. It does NOT change when you simply access the Clipboard, like when you do a Paste.

IAC, have you tried using the Clipboard Changed trigger?
It seems to work well with this test macro:


Thanks very much
I will give that a go.