Compile, from Scrivener to Sublime Text

I am new to KBM, so thanks for your patience. I am having a hard time figuring out the right Action to wait until a Scrivener compile is done in order to activate the next application, which is Sublime Text.

Update: I was able to find a solution. Pause Until Conditions Met, All of the Following are True, The front window of Scrivener exists. This means that after the compile window disappears the macro resumes. Great.

Is there anyway to know when Scrivener has finished compiling?
A menu item that exist again? Some visuelle element?

When the Scrivener compile window disappears, the process is done. This clears the main window of Scrivener, which resumes the macro.

Then you can probably use the “Pause Until” action.
So pause until window titel changes or something like that.

I had already found a solution and posted it under “update” above

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