Control the Elgato Control Center (in the menu bar) - click at found image doesn't work

I would like to control the Elgato Control Center (in the menu bar) with a function key to turn on the lights. The action click at found image also shows that it has found the image - but the "menu bar screen" of the control center does not open. Many thanks for ideas.


Found image:

Manual click on the icon

Here's a start:

Where does your mouse cursor end up after this action? Is it over the icon, or somewhere else.

If it's over the icon, then you know the click isn't working right. If it's not over the icon, then the "found image" isn't working right.

Thank you very much for your quick reply! It was a user-problem :wink: I had tested in edit mode. This did make a difference. That’s what I learned today too.

But I have a follow-up question - can I control the breaks more elegantly than with a time specification?

Yes, you can do it a little better. You can click on the item "Wait for Image" instead of using a Pause action. This should allow you to remove the Pause action. This will result in the "minimum pause required" so your macro will run faster.

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Thanks a lot!

You have got to be kidding me. How in the world did I miss this? :flushed::open_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::joy:

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Introduced in v11.0.1, so you haven't missed it for long.

That's the problem when @peternlewis adds too many cool new things -- it's difficult to keep up!


Good to know. Thanks.

I'm not volunteering, but it would be nice if someone felt like finding these types of things in new releases and publicising them.

They're in the What's New section of the manual -- problem is, I get distracted by an item and go and try something out, so never get to the end of the list!