Copy only complete (finished uploading) file from mounted ftp server to mac


I'm a complete newbie to KM, my eyes have been opened to the endless uses it has.

I've successfully set up some new macros but I'm struggling on how to copy new files automatically from an ftp drive which is mounted to the mac. I need to make use of the 'changing or impartial files' option.

They just need to be copied to another location on my mac.

Thanks for any help guys,



First, see if you can monitor the folder and identify when new files appear.

Set up the Folder trigger, configured to detect added files and ignore partial or changing files.

Have the macro do nothing except post a Notification.

When a new file appears, see if the notification arrives and if it arrives at the correct time (ie, when the file is ready to be copied to the Mac).

If so, then a simple Copy a File action will copy the file to a new location.

Copy from %TriggerValue% to ~/Desktop for example. As long as no file with the same name exists, that should “just work”.