It's good to see that, but unfortunately it does NOT properly represent the format of the text returned by the JavaScript. That's why I want to see and test with a real sample.
Yes, right. But the “Available…” part appears only a few times a day and each one lasts even less than 3 seconds so it’s very hard to get a sample of them. However, as you can see in this, I’m sure it doesn’t make a big difference. To consider “Reviewable…” in the sample as “Available…” is just fine. The number I always need is the first 8-digit number right after the first “Collection #”. In the sample, that is “16476965”.
Thank you very much for your time and kind help, as always.
Wow, that is great! Now I'm trying to set Google Chrome URL to "http://aaaaa.bbb/ccc/d/jobNumber/" like below but it doesn't seem right. Would you please help me with this once again?